Quarter 1 Core Competencies Reflection

1. During Quarter 1, what went well for you? Explain.

Going back to the classroom was an easy transition for me. I was able to easily improve my sleep schedule and get  up early to go to school again. I also did not find it challenging to keep myself focused during long classes.
I also become more active in quarter one. I tried to do at least one hour of physical activity every day, and it worked quite well.

2. During Quarter 1, what did you find challenging or disappointing or stressful? Explain.

I struggled a little bit with keeping up with the workload, mainly because I was not aware that there would be so much work in high school, and the harsh start to the school year because of the COVID-19.
I found myself overusing technology as well, because I did not go outdoors as much because of COVID-19, and I often got distracted.

3. Think of ONE thing you really want to improve in Quarter 2 (and Q 3&4).

I really want to improve on my bad habit of getting distracted from my homework and procrastinating often. The amount of work in high school is much more than middle school, so I can’t get away with procrastinating as often.

4. What are two specific actions that you can start doing every day to get closer to your goal? How long will you spend on this action each day? What part of the day?

a) After I get home from school in the afternoon or at lunch, I can try to get a decent amount of homework done before doing any other unnecessary activities. This can be achieved by spending about one hour doing homework before other activities.

b) I can try to plan out my schedule for the day. I will spend about five minutes doing this every morning, unless I need to get up early that morning, in which case I will do it right after I get home from school in the afternoon.

5. If you experience challenges, what might you do to work through them?

If I end up getting distracted or another problem arises, I will give myself incentives and punishments to make sure that I stay on task. If this doesn’t work, I will try to seek help from my parents.

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