Robert Downey Jr. Learning Center

Good evening everyone! I’m Robert Downey Jr. and welcome to my virtual learning center!

It really is a shame that I couldn’t be meeting with everyone in real life; I know I would’ve stolen the show all night! But we gotta work with what we have, and that was a poor camera and a week of preparation for me. But without further ado, I present to you my learning center:

Please feel free to ask me anything down below in the comments as well, thanks.


16 thoughts on “Robert Downey Jr. Learning Center

  1. Hands DOWN one of my favourite actors. People know about him and his stellar performances yet only a few seem to know of the rock bottom he’s hit before. Truly an inspirational man, RDJ! Very Gyu Min-esque performance. I laughed for real a few times.

    How blessed is Hollywood to have such a ‘Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist’ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ?
    Well done, Gyu Min.

    1. Who is this Gyu Min you speak of? I’ve got the slightest clue.
      Of course I’m one of your favorite actors of all time, look at me! If inspiration and perseverance could be put into one person, it would be none other than RDJ. The genius, (m)illionaire, playboy, philanthropist in the flesh.
      Thank you Yunmin for the comment!

  2. RDJ, an amazing life filled with many ups and downs. How is it that your current girlfriend and Mel Gibson were able to turn things around for you? Your acting is amazing and your video editing skills are improving, too. Congrats on your amazing career, so far.

    1. Mrs. Levin and I have actually been married since 2005! Maybe I should have specified better. Love is quite a powerful concept, and I’ve been engulfed in it myself. Ever since I met Susan, my life began to turn around and I swore to her that I would stay sober from drugs since we got married. Mel Gibson on the other hand, was by my side even at my lowest points. He was the one who found me my first work during a period in which I was completely lost in the movie business, casting me in the 2003 film “The Singing Detective”
      I appreciate the nice comments. Thank you!

  3. Amazing presentation, great recording, and humour that perfectly captures RDJ! Awesome work on an awesome eminent person!

    1. Thank you for your comments, Michelle! Of course, the awesome work on the awesome eminent person wouldn’t have been possible with the awesome student behind the strings! Robert Downey Jr. will continue to bring laughter and inspiration around the world.

  4. Awesome video!! Gyu min never fails to get a laugh out of me with his jokes. Robert Downey Jr, what message would you tell your audience if you had to scrunch it down into a single sentence? Awesome work as always, tell Gyu Min I’m super impressed with his work!

    1. Hmm… A single sentence…Let me take a quote I’ve once famously said:
      โ€œListen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the f*&k you were gonna do anyway.โ€
      I’m not gonna spend my life following other people around, so make sure you’re doing what you want to do. Things’ll always work out in the end, I know better than anyone else.
      Gyu Min likes your comment as well, but I’ll have you know that I wrote, filmed, and edited this entire video myself!

  5. Hey Mr. Robert, neato presentation. Great knowing that a champ like you had such an inspiring success story. For you I have a question: What work of yours are you the most proud of? Again, nice presentation, and congrats on all the success you have had over the years. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you, thank you. I am indeed a champ like you say. Happy to hear you enjoyed the presentation.
      In terms of my favorite project, I don’t think the first Iron Man will ever be beaten. Seeing myself on the big screen portraying such an iconic character with the flare from my acting really was incredible to see, especially when billions of others were invested as well.
      I’ll leave you with this: The wallet has a big say when talking about pride.

  6. Fantastic job, Mr. Downie!! I really enjoyed the part where all of your faces on the posters were replaced by a CLEARLY better looking version of you. I was wondering, what do you think was the greatest point in your life?

    1. Mr. Downey* my friend. And yes, I love to retake photos for my movie posters in my spare time, and those were from the newest batch.
      The greatest points in my life are still happening to this day, and it’s the people who look up to me as an inspiration and give me the hope to continue each day. I love the thrill of seeing one of the releases of my movie and hearing all the praise about it.

  7. Great presentation overall RDJ, getting the main points across very well. I have one question though, what would you say was your favourite Avenger’s movie to star in and why?

    1. Thanks, AJ! Favorite Avenger movie…
      I don’t think was a question, to begin with.
      Avenger Endgame will go down as one of the most epic moments in cinema history, and Tony Stark got to be the center of it all. My 12-year story with the MCU came to a close, and I got to see so many people and actors unite to create such a (marvel)ous finale (no pun intended).

  8. Excellent presentation on your life Robert! You really captured your life in these videos. It’s wonderful you turned your life around and your talents are not wasted.

  9. Your video editing skills definitely do Robert and combined with your acting skills, I think you made this a great learning experience! Thank you for sharing your story!!


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