In-Depth Blog Post #4

In these times of self isolation, it leaves us with a lot of time on our hands. Some may struggle to work on their projects, but luckily, animation doesn’t require interaction with others, or even the need to leave the house. Since the last post, I have practiced my in-depth a lot. I have used the internet to find many tips and tricks on how to improve in animation, because like all of us, I have been unable to meet with my mentor. However, I have used this time to practice a lot, as I don’t have much experience in animation, nor skills in drawing. However, I feel I have improved a lot. Currently in animation, I am practicing making characters walk.

(Click on it to watch)

I would like to keep on improving this, and also adding objects into animations. I would also like to animate with more complex characters (if I can), and definitely improve my drawings. As for my mentor; we have been staying in touch over email, where he has been giving me many pointers, and he has been sharing resources with me too, so I can continue to improve.

Questions for post #4

1.What has been my most difficult mentoring challenge so far? Why?

Currently, my most difficult mentoring challenge is our time restrictions and being able to meet with each other. Meetings have been cancelled or shortened because of both COVID-19 and time restrictions on both sides. Currently, we are trying to overcome this by using email, and Simon has suggested video-calls as well. We will continue to fight this challenge, so Simon can continue to mentor me, but sometimes there are just other priorities.

2.What is working well? Why?

Something that is working very well, is the improvement I am seeing in myself. I remember a few weeks ago, when I could barely animate a stick figure walking, and now I am animating 2D characters, and I can even tell that the character is walking. I will continue to develop this skill. One of my other priorities is to improve me overall drawing, because to animate you need to somewhat know how to draw too.

3.What could be working better? How can you make sure this happens?

Something that I need to work on is self motivation. I get bored of tasks and ideas really easily, and although that has not happened yet for animation, I feel that sometimes I just do not have the urge to practice it. Something that I feel I can do to make myself more motivated is to set small goals and big goals for myself. For example, my goal for next Sunday, is to have created an animation about an object. A way that can perhaps stop me from getting bored, is to just practice animation or drawing a bit each day, rather than a lot at once.

In-Depth Post 3

I feel like things have been moving along well so far for my in-depth project. Since I last posted, I have had another meeting with my mentor and Brian, who I am working with for my project. Something that went well during our meeting session was that our mentor, Simon, was very good at teaching us. We jumped into learning the principles of animation, and after that he showed us some videos and books he had about animation. One of the most interesting things that he showed us in a book was some exaggerated classic, cartoon animation cycles. For example, walk, run, jump, shuffle, sneak, and some other cycles that I could base some of my animations off of to make my job a bit easier when I need to make a character do some of those actions.I found this interesting, because it could be useful for myself. Something else that went well was that Brian and I could see a few different items and devices that could help you animate. Our meeting ran well and efficiently, and I believe there was no time wasted.

Brian, Simon, and I communicated mostly over email. When Brian and I had questions, we usually addressed them in the meeting sessions, but a lot of the time we used email, so we would not have to wait all the way until the meeting to have our question answered. The challenge with emailing, especially when trying to schedule the next meeting, was that responses sometimes needed to be waited awhile for. For example, for our last meeting, Brian and I confirmed our meeting quite late, which could have led to some confusions. However, emailing was quite an efficient way to show off our work when we were not face to face, and for Simon do give us some tips, and/or send us videos, so we can learn from his outside of meetings too. Also, for the meeting, we did not specify a time that the meeting would end, which also led to some confusion. Overall, there was not to many challenges with our communication.

Although Simon is a great mentor, we had a few learning challenges, due to lack of being prepared on my part. For example, Simon sometimes emails us videos and such over email, so we can already know lots when we come to our meeting. However, one time I didn’t watch a video, so when Simon was talking about this topic, I was a bit confused. Simon then had to go over the lesson that was in the video he sent us (it was about the principles of animation) because I had not reviewed it ahead of time. This was a learning challenge that was my fault.

So far in my in-depth process, I have learned a lot. From Simon, I learned about the principles of animation. These consist of staging, timing, anticipation, squash and stretch, slow in and slow out, straight ahead and pose to pose, overlapping action, arc, secondary action, exaggeration, appeal, and I think there was another one mentioned either by Simon, or on a website called solid drawing. I also learned about different animation techniques, and other lessons as well. I have drawn a few pictures. I am not very good at drawing, but they are pictures that I was okay with, based off what I was drawing when I first started.

Overall, I am happy with my progress so far, and I hope to start animating next.

Categories: Uncategorized

In-Depth Blog Post #2

Its been a few weeks since in-depth has started, and I am finally starting to get settled into the routine of practicing my chosen skill, meeting and emailing with my mentor, and doing all other things associated with the in-depth project.

So far I have only met with my mentor once, but I have already learned a lot about my mentor. My mentor, Simon Piniel, is the owner of a business called spin animation. He has animated for many years and has a vast experience of learning his own animations skills. Simon jump started his interest in animation at an Animation Film course with Rolf Bächler at ZhdK, Zürich in 1996. This was a 2-3 month period where he created his first animated movie, “Tony” and learned about animation theories and did some animation exercises. This process was very rewarding for Simon, and is what made him fall in love with the concept of animation. Another place Simon gained his animation experience was work  at Tallinn Film, Estonia in 1997. Here he animated a few scenes from a short movie called “Night of the Carrots”. This experience was mostly about learning the studio processes and also gaining a more international view on animation. One of Simon’s favorite place where he gained his experience was at a student exchange at ECIAD, in Vancouver in 1998/1999. Here he was finally among real other animation students and he really learned a lot doing this. This experience was something Simon really enjoyed. One more place Simon got his large experience in animation was at another job at a Position as Storyboard Artist at AKA Cartoons Inc in Vancouver from 2004 to 2007. Here, he gained a lot of experience in cartoon animation. This experience was intimating for Simon, but he learned a lot from his talented co-workers. These were just a few foundations where Simon gained his animation experience, as every thing he learned and every time he practiced animation, made him become a better animator.

I have already learned a lot from Simon Piniel. He has taught me about some basic principles of animation, and has also helped me decide which route of animation I want to go down. I chose to do digital 2D animation, and he taught me that we animate in 2’s, so basically at 12 or 24 frames per seconds. He also taught me about storyboards of animation, and how to make someone look like they are doing some motion fast. This was all in just the first meeting, so I cant wait to learn even more.

Behind the scenes of our meeting, I have learned some facilitation strategies. I realize when I think back to our meeting, how Simon facilitated, rather than taught Brian and I at our meeting (Brian and I have the same mentor). Instead of teaching Brian and I, Simon directed conversation and gave us tips and pointers. Perhaps I could facilitate meeting like that as well if I ever mentor someone.

Overall, in-depth has been a great experience so far and I cant wait to continue.


Categories: Uncategorized

My essay about expectations and how they effect us.


Expectations paragraphs

We read a novel, as well as a paragraph the author wrote. The novel was “The absolutely true diary of a part time Indian”, and the paragraph was called “Superman and Me”. We then needed to synthesize the different articles of literature, by finding out how expectations effect characters in the novel, the author, and us, so we were contrasting the articles of literature to our own lives. That is what this essay I wrote is doing.

My ability to compare different things definitely helped when writing this essay, as I could easily compare the different topics. Also, being able to take different perspectives on topics helped me. I tried to take an unbiased approach in this essay letting me improve my writing in my opinion.

When doing this assignment, the most difficult thing was thinking of ideas for my essay. I needed to think of ways expectations affect us, which was difficult. Also, just writing the essay was difficult for me.

In-Depth post #1

As Walt Disney said, “Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive”. For this reason, I chose to do animation for my in-depth project in grade 9. More specifically, I will express different moods and characters through digital animation with stick figures. I chose to do this because for me, animation is a way to channel my creativity and express myself with stories from my mind.

Image result for stick figure animation

I always think of new ideas that I just want to put down some where. I am constantly doodling on papers, and although my drawings are not close to okay, I still enjoy doing it. However, my goal for in-depth will not be improving my drawing skills, but animation. I will try to express different characters moods and their development using stick figures. I will be doing this digitally, and most likely on Macromedia flash 8.

I wanted to work on specifically characters because I am always thinking of new character ideas. I once have tried to work on novel writing, for the same reasons I chose to do animation. Because I wanted to express myself and develop characters, but I quickly found all the in-between on writing stories boring. For example, writing word after word after word. This is why I hope to have more fun doing animation, while still practicing and improving a skill that could perhaps benefit me in the future. I also want to express my stick figures through movements and action rather than words, because when animating actions and movement, every frame matters to express the mood and what the character is like effectively.

So far, I have not yet found a mentor, or to be honest looked into finding one to much. This is something I will work on and hopefully I will have a mentor in no time.

The process of learning different ways to express mood and to just improve my overall animation skills on my software will take a long time and be tedious. But alongside the mentor I will have, I will also use websites and YouTube videos as sources to enhance my learning and enrichment.

For my final project, I hope to create one animation that introduces many stick figures that are very different and diverse. This animation will hopefully be projected up onto a projector screen on in-depth night.

Overall, I cannot wait to start my in-depth project, to develop a way to better express myself and my ideas, to learn from people and other resources, and to enhance my skills in my area of choice, animation.

Annotated Bibliography

Works Cited

desertsun02. Homemade Wind Turbine Generator! – Wind Power Generator! – simple DIY (runs radio!). 12 October 2014. Youtube video. 1st December 2019. <>.

Jewell, Wendy and David Kemker. William Kamkwamba. 17 October 2019. Website. 1 December 2019. <>.

Kamkwamba, William. How my windmill changed my life: Exclusive interview with William Kamkwamba Matthew Trost. 23 September 2009. Website. 1 December 2019. <>.

This website helped me learn about William’s personality. This is because of his responses to the interview questions, as they revealed some things about what he is like. This interview also helped me learn about what Williams plans are in the future, and other things he wants to do to improve people’s lives.

—. n.d. 28 November 2019.

—. MovingWindmills. n.d. Website. 28 November 2019. <>.

This website informed me about a foundation William Kamkwamba created. This is called the moving windmills foundation which helps villages around the world to improve issues they have that need to be fixed. It taught me about some things the foundation has done as well as what they plan to do. It is a very informative website, which gives an understanding of William Kamkwamba’s motives.

Mackenzie, Peggy. Boy’s dream to build windmill transforms lives in Malawi. 13 December 2009. Website. 28 November 2019. <>.

TED Conferences, LLC. William Kamkwamba. n.d. Website. 28 November 2019. <>.

This website taught me a few things about William Kamkwamba and his life. It also led me to 2 of his ted talks, which informed me about his childhood, his appearance and personality, what he did etc. From this website I learned about the Windmill he built to save his village and family. Overall, it was a very useful and informative website, which gave me a great start on my learning of William Kamkwamba.

Tenreyro, Tatiana. What’s William Kamkwamba Doing In 2019? ‘The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind’ Inventor Is Making A Difference Globally. 28 Feburary 2019. Website. 28 November 2019. <>.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. Dir. Chiwetel Ejiofor. Perf. Maxwell Simba, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Lily Banda. Prods. Andrea Calderwood and Gail Egan. Netflix, 2019. Movie.

This film was how I discovered William Kamkwamba. It taught me about William story of his childhood and first eminent thing. Most of the information is correct, so it was a fairly reliable source for my learning and helped me discover much about William Kamkwamba and his less public traits. It taught me a lot and informed me of William’s motives (like saving his village), and his personality (like his courage).

Wikipedia. William Kamkwamba. 27 November 2019. Website. 1 December 2019. <>.

This Wikipedia website was the first source I came across about William Kamkwamba and was a great starting point. It informed of generic facts like his date of birth and told me a timeline of his life so far. It also showed me many other sources, which allowed me to come across a lot more information in a more in-depth manner. Overall, this website was a great starting point for my learning about William Kamkwamba, and most of the information was reliable.

Zetter, Kim. Teen’s DIY Energy Hacking Gives African Village New Hope. 10 Feburary 2009. Website. 28 November 2019. <>.



Introducing…William Kamkwamba

One starving family. One windmill. One boy. But not just any boy. “The Boy who Harnessed the Wind”.

For my eminent person project in grade 9, I have selected to go in depth about William Kamkwamba.
I first learned about William when I was watching a film/documentary with my family on Netflix called “The Boy who Harnessed the Wind”. At this time, I really didn’t think much of him, only that he had done some good things for his family. However, once I heard of the eminent project he quickly came back to my mind. I did some research and learned some of the things he had done to help people all over the world. I instantly decided I would be doing him for my eminent project.

I had a few struggles trying to connect with William Kamkwamba as we did not have much in common, besides the fact that we are both male and when he built his first windmill, he was 14 like me right now. We also both enjoy reading and using our hands. However, he was a financially unstable African living in a completely different environment than me, while I am a privileged financially stable Caucasian boy. His culture was much different than mine and he was living in much harsher conditions than me and could not even afford school. However, this is how his journey to eminence began.

At age 14, William Kamkwamba’s family was no longer able to pay the annual school fee of $80. Instead of letting this pull him down, William borrowed books from a community library. He also ran a small “business” where he fixed neighbors radios, but this was just a desperate attempt to earn some money and it did not work well. Eventually he took a risk and used the knowledge he had been learning from the books he was reading, particularly one called “using energy” by Mary Atwater to create something that could help his family and village. This thing was a windmill. William was a very hands on person and he wanted to help people. He even said, “I want to be an engineer, so I can make different things that make the world a better place, starting with my village.” The first windmill he built powered 4 lights and 2 radios. It was built out of spare scraps like a bike, PVC pipes, wooden poles, old shoes, copper wires, etc. People heard of what William Kamkwamba did, for example Dr. Hartford Mchazime. He took interest of Williams work and spread the word and mentored William. William built more windmills doing various different tasks, for example powering a water irrigation system for crops. Eventually the TedGlobal group heard about William Kamkwamba and they tracked him down. This is when his life began to change drastically.

William did a few Ted Talks and than the donations started pouring in. These donations allowed him to continue his education, go to University in America, and to follow his dreams. William wants to be educated so he can make a difference, but he fears failure. When he was younger, he always wanted to be treated as an adult, and he feared that his family would not be able to afford food, education, and other necessities. Williams determination is a strength and weakness. William has been sent around the world and worked on projects like improving sanitation in India and helping gender-based violence prevention in Kenya. He is currently working on developing an appropriate technology curriculum with WilderNet that will allow people to bridge the gap between knowing and doing.

By overcoming his obstacles, like the tough situations he had been in, the limited resources he had, and the lack of support from his father, he managed to fulfill his dreams of becoming an inventor and helping people all over the world.

I look up to William Kamkwamba’s courage, ambitions and high level of thinking. He wants to improve his speaking, likewise I would like to improve my public speaking in TALONS. By going in depth about William Kamkwamba, I hope to find more ways I can connect with him and perhaps start to develop some of the traits that I look up to him for. I look forward to learning more about William Kamkwamba.


This is a Ted Talk that William did when he first went to America when he was 19.

Learn more about William Kamkwamba and watch his other Ted Talk at:

Digital Footprint Assignment

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

My digital footprint could affect my future because if I were to ever get a job and the person interviewing me were to look up my name on the internet, they could find something good or bad, which could decide if I were to get the job or not.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  • Never post or put out anything on the internet that you wouldn’t be okay with everyone seeing.
  • When texting someone only say things you would tell them straight  to their face.
  • When using different social media platforms, make sure only your friends can view the tings you post. You can change this in the settings.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

So far I haven’t done anything that I would like to take back online, but I haven’t developed my digital footprint in a positive way either, my digital footprint is very small. I would tell other students to make sure to grow a digital footprint as long as its not something that they wouldn’t want to be known as or something they wouldn’t want seen on the internet.

Training Post

You are now going to create your very first post. In a separate tab or browser window, go to your Dashboard on the left and go to  Posts -> Add New.

1) Title – Create a title for your blog post. Your title will be: Digital Footprint Assignment

2) Body – This is where you place your content of the post – text, videos, pictures, etc. Follow the instructions on the Digital Footprint Assignment page to see what questions you need to answer here.

3) Tool Bar – In your toolbar you can “Add Media” and “Add Documents” into your posts, this is the best way to create visual representations. You can also change fonts, hyperlink, etc.

4) Publish – Here is where you control what items are public and private. You can also control when they are published to your website.

5) Categories – Here is where you choose where you want your post to go. This is your digital binder with all of your subjects. Make sure to categorize each post with the relevant subject. E.g. Categories -> English

6) Tags –  Here is where you tag posts with one or two of the most readily applicable Core Competencies. These tags can help you find things quicker on your blog and help you stay organised. E.g. Tag -> creativethinking

7) Publish – When you are done, simply “Publish” it. If it has been edited, press “Republish” to update with the latest version of the content.