To conclude the biology unit, I researched the reproduction of seahorses to delve deeper into the lives of these fascinating organisms. After gathering information, I shared my knowledge by creating an infographic featuring visual components such as sourced images taken by photographers. I referenced the stages of the reproductive cycle with explanations regarding the physical changes undertaken by seahorses in the mating season, the process of the courtship dance, and care for the young.


My research and infographic illustrating the process of reproduction for seahorses can be found here.


5) I enhance the impact of my research or presentation through creative use of technology.

As this assignment was much less artistically oriented, I used multiple platforms including Word, PowerPoint, and Canva to achieve my desired result. I used Word to document my notes and to print my final product, I consulted PowerPoint to edit and adjust certain images, and I turned to Canva to assemble the infographic. With this creative use of technology, I was able to streamline my process and produce a result that is much more aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching than if I had used only a single program.


8) I challenge myself to increase my technological literacy by working with apps, software, or mediums that I have not used in the past.

In the process of creating my infographic, I researched and tested various programs, such as Canva and Piktochart, that would be suitable for my needs. As I had never used these platforms before, I gave myself time to grow familiar with the format and layout before deciding which one would use to complete my assignment. Although I could have created the infographic traditionally, I challenged myself to increase my technological literacy and develop skills that would be critical in the future.


9) I critically assess research sources for currency, reliability, authority, and purpose.

Because research was a significant component of this assignment, I was adamant in ensuring that all of my sources were credible. As a result, I examined the publication date of all sources to ensure they were up-to-date. If an article was out of date, I would check the facts with other sources that were more regularly updated before using them. In addition, I paid attention to the authors and organizations responsible for composing the sources, to ensure that they were not spreading biased information. By being attentive and critical of the content I am consuming, I was able to ensure that the facts I am receiving and sharing are accurate.