21 thoughts on “Learning Center: Florence Nightingale

  1. your eminent was super organized and aesthetically pleasing. do you know if there was something that drew Florence to being so caring?

    1. Thank you for your feedback! Nightingale had been taking care of the ill in the village by her family’s estate since her youth, I believe she may have grown to care for people as she continued her nursing career due to the fact that she is surrounded by people.

  2. I love the use of visuals in your learning center Mandy! Your website is very organized and aesthetically pleasing, and I like how detailed your descriptions are. I can tell that you have put a lot of work into creating an inspiring and impactful post. On thing I would like to know is do you think Florence Nightingale’s life would’ve changed if she lived today?

    1. Thank you for your kind feedback! I think she would’ve been able to pursue her dream without the social backlash she received by then, though her work may not have been as recognized if she were to live today.

  3. Hey Mandy,

    I really liked the visual aspect of your website. It was very engaging and easy for my eyes to look at which helped improve my reading experience. I also liked how you included context for the pictures.
    Why do you think Florence’s family was not accepting of her decision to pursue health care? Why was it looked down upon?

    1. Hello, thank you for your response! Back then nursing was something that had the same status as a kitchen maid per say. Nurses back then also were quite improper, they often drank on the job, and were mainly seen as hospital cleaners. Overall nursing back then simply wasn’t a place for a lady with a high status like Nightingale, and her family was trying to protect her from that.

  4. Hey Mandy,

    I really liked the visual aspect of your website. It was very engaging and easy for my eyes to look at which helped improve my reading experience. I also liked how you included context for the pictures.
    Why do you think Florence’s family was not accepting of her decision to pursue health care? Why was it looked down upon?

  5. Hey Mandy,

    I really liked the visual aspect of your website. It was very engaging and easy for my eyes to look at which helped improve my reading experience. I also liked how you included context for the pictures.
    Why do you think Florence’s family was not accepting of her decision to pursue health care? Why was it looked down upon?

  6. Hey Mandy,

    I really liked the visual aspect of your website. It was very engaging and easy for my eyes to look at which helped improve my reading experience. I also liked how you included context for the pictures.
    Why do you think Florence’s family was not accepting of her decision to pursue health care? Why was it looked down upon?

  7. You presented the eminence of your person in a very engaging way. If she had lived today, how would she have responded to the COVID pandemic? Sounds like she was ahead of her times.

    1. Hi Ms. Mulder, I believe she would’ve done something similar to what she did during the Crimean War. Looking at statistics, seeing what is working and seeing what is not. She would’ve established rules to keep the virus from spreading, most likely similar to the rules we have already established (masks, social distancing).

  8. Hi Mandy
    Your learning center was very well doen and very informative. Florence Nightingale had a huge heart. we could all definitely learn something from her. What about her inspired you?

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful response! In the future, I would like to pursue psychiatry, or pharmaceutical sciences. Though they are not directly related to nursing, they are both in the medical field, and both professions help people. I loved how she persevered despite what others said, and how kind she was, so that was one of the main reasons why I chose her.

    1. Hi Ms. Chambers,
      I would say misogyny, supposedly nursing is a “extension of female roles.” For example, caregiving and nurturing are seen as feminine pursuits. Although there are male practitioners, nursing is still seen as a female dominated career.

  9. I like the neat theme of you website. It is very gentle on the eyes. I like how you added a variety of images and had very detailed your descriptions are. Do you think modern sanitary standards would be the same without her?

    1. Thank you for your feedback Braeden. If Nightingale didn’t exist, I think we would’ve had sanitary standards similar to what we have now, as I hope we would’ve evolved to establish those rules. There were other people around her time most likely establishing similar standards, so I do believe we would have some of the same sanitary standards as we do today.

  10. Hi Mandy.

    Your website was informative and easy to navigate. You did a good job outlining her eminence as one of the founders of modern healthcare. She sounds like a very driven and caring individual. A question I have is, what do you think Florence would have done if she hadn’t been called by god?

    1. That is a very good question Lucas. If she wasn’t called by God, I believe she would’ve chosen profession similar to nursing either way. Her kindness and belief that everyone deserved to have access to healthcare was not all because of her call from God. If not a career related to healthcare, I believe as she may have pursued something similar to her sister, a writer or journalist.

  11. Hey Mandy! Great job! I am always fascinated by Nightingale’s resilience in the face of such distaste for her chosen career. Do you think the nursing profession has come a long ways in its respect since Nightingale? What do you think she might say about the treatment of modern nursing?

    1. Hey Ms. Wasstrom, I think Nightingale would’ve been very pleased to see how nursing is nowadays. Nursing back then was not what we consider to be now. Nurses were not treated with respect, and nursing school probably couldn’t even be called nursing school. Back then nursing school had a one year program which mainly consisted of learning how to be practical by the bedside. Now nursing school has lectures, and students have to take full courses such as chemistry. Overall nurses receive a lot more training, and I definitely think the profession is more respected today.

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