In-depth 2022 Post #3

In-Depth Post #3

Where we are so far

My Progress has been pretty good so far. We are currently finishing up the pendulum project and we are currently on V3. Though my mentor thinks I could still improve my pendulum animation by increasing the delay between portions of the tail. She also thinks I should increase how much the tail swings back when it starts and when it stops.

We are planning after we finish the pendulum we start another project called balls with weight. We are going to make three different balls and animate how balls with different amounts of weight and stiffness. We will animate how far they go and how high they bounce.

The Pendulum



Somethings that went particularly well during our sessions were firstly the way my Mentor explained things. My mentor explained things through demonstrations, and explanations which helped me understand how should the object in the animation act.

Some learning challenges that emerged were my mentor reviewing my versions which would eat up the limited amount of time in the meetings.
I suggested to my mentor that we would meet on Tuesdays for review. With this I could also send out two version in one week compare to one version a week. I was able to greatly increase the amount of progress I had.

Three strategies that could improve the quality of my mentoring interactions are the following.
To start, I think I could send out new versions more often for my mentor to review so we don’t have to waste time during our meetings.
Next, I think I should get a video cam so I could show my face and also communicate better.
I think having 1:30h classes would have improved our sessions by giving more time to get things done.



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