Learning In-Depth Blog Post #6 (Final)

Progress Report:
Since my last blog post, I have finished planning out my game (though, along the way, details may change). My final project for In-Depth is to create a game from scratch that is not a direct replica of an existing game. I have started the early stages of making the game, which will be a 2D platform game, more or less.

I have also completed my challenge for my In-Depth, which was to recreate an existing game. “The Adventures of One Button Bob” was the game I decided to replicate. That mainly was because many of the components of “One Button Bob” are ones I will be using in my game. For example, I plan on randomizing the positions of points a player needs to pick up in a level to pass on to the next level. I got to analyze “One Button Bob”‘s randomizing bombs and effectively implement them in my game in the form of points for the player to collect. While I initially planned to recreate a linear 2D platformer like Geometry Dash, or the Google Dinosaur Game, I realized I wanted to create a less linear game. I wanted to make a game with more dimensions while also moving from one side of the screen to the other to pass the level.

The premise of One Button Bob is simple: the player can only use their left mouse key and must traverse through multiple levels to reach the boss level. Some obstacles are static, and other enemies follow the player in the game. (That was also a component I wanted to include in my own game.) This process was very beneficial as I got more comfortable thinking in the mindset of a programmer, although I did not use programming code and used visual scripting. Shifting my thought process allowed me to look at games differently by identifying aspects of games I know and challenging myself to analyze and recreate them. I believe that is why I had to spend the majority of the time dissecting the game and how I would translate it into the language I am comfortable with (Playmaker).

In-Depth Night:
I will present a game I created on my computer for my final In-Depth project. While building my game and posting a link on a blog post for people to play is an option, it will be more effective to display my game on my computer and let people play. I will take the measures to sanitize my station & laptop between visitors/rotations. Through the game, I will demonstrate many if not all of the parts of game design that I learned throughout the project. That includes – but is not limited to – character animation, using buttons, game planning, using a variety of components