Final In-Depth Post

Welcome to Brian’s In-Depth Night Blog Post! Good evening! My name is Brian, and this is the concluding post for my first In-Depth on flip book animation. Before we get into my In-Depth project, I would really like to thank my mentor, Simon Piniel. Simon was always an incredibly supportive mentor who recommended very helpful […]

In-Depth Post #6

1. An update on your progress since the last post #5 as well as an reflection on your mentor meetings online or over the phone. Since my last post, I have started to create my final project. I plan to animate a scene from the cartoon series Steven Universe. Steven Universe was one of my […]

In-Depth Post #5

Due the recent COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been trying to adjust and adapt my work schedule in order to keep track of all my assignments with little to no success. Lately I’ve been preoccupied with other tasks and haven’t be able to find the time or energy to work on In-Depth other than looking at useful […]

TALONS Digital Literacy Post #4

Science 9: Parts of the Cell Presentation For our biology unit in science, we had to create a few slides for a presentation that would provide a brief one-minute explanation of the parts and function of one part of the cell. Each student was assigned with a of part of the cell to present on, […]

TALONS Digital Literacy Post #3

English 9: ZIP ZIP is an open-ended inquiry project that we were tasked to complete as an English assignment. Each student was required to create an inquiry question for a topic which they wanted to learn or experiment with over the next eight school days. At the end of our project, we had to prepare […]

TALONS Digital Literacy Post #2

Socials 9: PTI Presentations In a unit within socials, we studied the past of Canada’s First Nations. In groups of four we researched a relevant topic regarding the history of First Nations today such as reconciliation, the Indian Act, and cultural appropriation. In our presentation, we had to cover two recent stories that related to […]

TALONS Digital Literacy Post #1

English 9: Midsummer Night’s Dream Character Analysis For a unit in English, we studied William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. After we finished our unit, we would complete a character trait analysis of a character within the play. This project would be carried out in groups of four. Literary paragraphs would be split between the […]

In-Depth Post #4

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, I have not yet had a meeting with my mentor since my previous post, but I have been studying online resources on tips and principles in the world of animation. Since I am not particularly experienced with animation, I have been spending the past few weeks mainly reviewing the […]

In-Depth Post #3

        Over the past few weeks, Ben and I have met with our mentor, and I’ve done some studies on facial expression and posture/body language. So far we’ve planned with our mentor to have a meeting around every month; there’s room for Ben and I to meet up independently with our mentor […]

In-Depth Post #2

This year, Ben and I are attending a mentorship under an animator named Simon Piniel. Simon owns an animation studio called Spin Animation, the variety of portfolio works displayed on the studio’s website showcases a large array of artistic styles, ranging from stick figures to human figures. Simon jumpstarted his interest in animation through an […]