In-Depth 2022 – Post #1

In-Depth 2022 Post #1


Hello! Welcome to my first In-Depth blog post of 2022. In this post I am going to briefly talk about the big parts of my project, and what I currently have planned for it. I will be able to look back at this blog post to help me keep track of my original goals throughout this project.


This year for In-Depth, I have chosen to do singing as my topic. Everyone knows what singing is, but there are many kinds of singing. I will not be doing anything fancy with my topic, just focusing on generic singing. I do already know how to sing, however, I am going to go into the project focusing on specific goals. My first, and likely biggest goal, is to gain better control over my voice. I am going to do this by learning proper breath control techniques, which will help me accomplish another aspect of vocal control, belting. I would optimally learn how to healthily belt in head, chest, and mixed voice. My second goal is to expand my vocal range. This again can be accomplished by learning breath control techniques. Finally, my third big goal is to learn harmonizing. Harmonizing is a difficult thing for me to learn how to do, and I have tried many times on my own with little to no success. I think with the help of a professional I might be able to improve a good amount.

If you do not know what head, mixed, or chest voice is, here are two images to give a little visual explanation that might be helpful to you.


I chose to do singing as my In-Depth topic because I have always been a musical person. My parents always tell me that ever since I was younger, I have been singing EVERYWHERE. I would always sing little songs that I made up, even if they made no sense. I have also been very good at memorizing songs for as long as I can remember. Singing different kinds of songs with different moods really allows me to express my different feelings and emotions, especially feelings and emotions that I normally would not be able to express through words.

The way I plan on completing my goals throughout this project is to track myself at certain intervals to be able to see my progress. I have chosen three songs that I am going to use as my progress trackers along the way. I will be recording myself singing these songs at the start, and at the end, which will hopefully show audible differences. I will also be recording my vocal range at the start of the project, and as In-Depth progresses, I will learn how to expand it, and by the end, I will be able to record it again and see how much I have improved. I will also practice vocal warm-ups and exercises for 30 minutes every day. I will also continue to do what I usually do, sing in general, and for my enjoyment.

The vocal range tends to be classified by how many octaves you can sing. Some people have never learned what an octave is, so if you wanted to learn more about them click here!

I do not currently have a solidified mentorship with someone, however, my current plan is to be mentored by a vocal coach/trainer who I have contacted, yet not gotten a response from yet. In the most desirable situation, we would meet once every week to discuss concepts and skills that I have been practicing. Some adjusting may need to be done in order to fit both parties’ schedules, however, it will be similar either way. My mentor can give me “assignments” and specific things they think I need to work on, or that I could improve on.

Thank you for reading my post! I am excited to get this project underway and learn a new skill!

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