Night of the Notables Learning Center – Mary Cain

Hi Everyone, Welcome to Night of the Notables! My name is Mary Cain, and I’m one of the most talented female track and field athletes in the world, or at least I was before I joined Nike. If you want to find out more about my story click here. (Remember to pay close attention to the information that I mention, because there will be a quiz at the end.)

If you’re still want to know more about me, feel free to click on the links below to watch some great videos about my story.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and please leave any questions you have for me below.

12 thoughts on “Night of the Notables Learning Center – Mary Cain

  1. Ruby! I’m still trying to get over your monologue! Well done! I’m so happy you chose Mary Cain. She has so much to share and learn from. Well done!

  2. Thanks for sharing your story and struggle with us. You are a great role-model. What helped you become the person you are today? In other words, how were you able to overcome these abusive and challenging circumstances? I am impressed with your resilience and drive to make a difference.

    1. Thanks for your question! I believe that what I experienced while training at Nike has helped me become who I am today. Although it was very challenging to deal with it made me stronger, and taught me to stand up for myself and other female athletes who are going through similar situations. As for overcoming the challenges that I faced, I really struggled, and at times I wasn’t sure if I was going to even survive, but in the end my parents helped a lot. They were the ones who convinced me to quit training at Nike.

  3. Amazing eminent pick! I haven’t heard of Mary Cain, but thanks to your presentation I have a better grip on her story. Great research, creative prezi, and excellent work!

  4. I loved your prezi presentation and kahoot! Mary, your story is so inspiring and I agree that it is important to bring awareness to issues such as eating disorders. My question to you is this: if you knew more about the downsides of the running industry, would you still have pursued this career?

    1. Thanks for your great question! I believe that even if I had known the downsides of working in the running industry, I still would have eventually pursued a career in track and field, because I’m so passionate about it. However, I probably would’ve chosen to compete for a college or university before going pro, as I would have been able to gain more experience.

  5. Ruby!! Your learning centre is so amazing! I learned so much, and Mary Cains’s story is so inspirational! 🙂

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