My French Sports Video

French Sports Video

Grace Lee

I have completed an assignment in French 9 explaining the sport I do or play in French. Everyone presented this to the class with either a video or a PowerPoint. Some of the concepts the presentations include are the equipment used, the type of muscle, body parts used, rules of the sport and where the sport takes place.

Some pre-existing skills that I owned before doing this assignment were video making skills. I already knew how to add basic short clips, subtitles, and recordings. Another skill was doing taekwondo. This is self-explanatory as the project is about a sport you have already been doing and have knowledge of. This allowed me to film and edit smoothly without having any challenges.

There were still some hardships I faced while finishing this assignment. I struggled to get the pronunciation and French vocabulary correctly. It was hard pronouncing the different types of language. I also struggled to form sentences in French because we were not allowed to use google translate. I was worried that I would not get my meaning straight in French.