TALONS Digital Literacy Assignment Reflection #1: Eminent Project

Eminent Person Project: Douglas Jung

Eminent Speech: https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/125-cng1_sd43_bc_ca/EQp2UdEQBqZJrIv5PHdmBW8BtVHGTb59-iHz8tUIb4k2-g?e=f7zlc5

Eminent Research: https://mygleneagle.sd43.bc.ca/colbyn2019/2019/12/04/annotated-bibliography-eminent-2019/

Eminent Blog Post: https://mygleneagle.sd43.bc.ca/colbyn2019/2019/10/28/when-asians-werent-canadians/

The basics of my Eminent person project was to find an “Eminent” person and complete a project about that person. An “Eminent” person is someone who has made a significant and positive impact on society, and my “Eminent” person was Douglas Jung. Douglas Jung was the first Chinese Member of Parliament in Canadian history, who was also a veteran, and also a lawyer. He fought for Asian-Canadian rights and helped lead Canada towards the diverse nation it is today. I had to research why Douglas Jung was “Eminent” and find out as much information about him as I could. I put together weeks of research and created a blog post about Douglas Jung. After that, I wrote and presented a speech in class, and also participated in “The Night of The Notables” where I had a presentation station about Douglas Jung. Those were the basics of my “Eminent” person project on Douglas Jung.

1) I tailor my work to appeal to my intended audience and use language and visual design elements appropriate for them.

I did this by condensing all my research into understandable, and interesting formats. I spent weeks collecting all my research, and I had to find ways to shorten that research down and present it in appealing ways. For my speech, I took the most important and interesting things that Douglas Jung did, like his time in World war Two and his work for Canada and created a story with my speech. Then with my learning center, I used the poster board and the locker bay to set up a visually appealing area for me to talk about Douglas Jung. (See pictures) 

2) I design my work with consideration given to aesthetics, and design, such as consistent colour schemes, symmetry, or organization of visual elements, and overall layout.

The best example of this is my learning center. I used a poster board as my centrepiece and designed everything around it. I used the lockers to hang up photos, and people could walk into my station and be surrounded by different things. They could look around while I talked and ask questions when they saw something interesting. All the pictures were spaced evenly, and my actual poster board was set up in three sections. World war two on the left, Parliament in the middle, and his work as a lawyer on the right. Each section had lots of photos and a quote with small amounts of information.  

3) I critically assess research sources for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose.

Throughout my research, I used both databases and googled websites. I CRAP tested the google websites to make sure they came from reliable websites, whether that was the Candian Encyclopedia or news articles, I checked through each resource to make sure it was reliable. If you look at my bibliography you can see that I cited my research sources and that they are CRAP tested. Some of the resources I found weren’t good enough so I didn’t include them in my research. 

4) My work demonstrates a positive, productive, and empathetic worldview.

This entire project was all about showcasing a person made a positive impact on the world. In my research around Douglas Jung, I learned how he helped change Canada from racism and discrimination, into the diverse nation it is today. He helped in war, he helped refugees, he helped immigrants, and he helped all Canadians as a member of Parliament. I then took all the information I learned and helped teach the people around me how one person was able to do so much good. Douglas Jung promoted a positive, productive, and empathetic worldview, and I was able to show that throughout my project. 

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