Hello everybody!! This is my eminent learning centre for the 2020 eminent project. Due to COVID we can obviously not host an in person live eminent night, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying yourself. Don’t stop now, and have a good time!! If you missed out on our class’ KILLER (buh dum tsh) performance, maybe take a peek 🙂

Freddie Mercury. A name known across the world. Usually coincides with flamboyant outfits, crazy performances, great music, a four octave vocal range, and living life on the edge. What many may not know is that I wasn’t always this way.

The Life of Me (1).pptx

In this powerpoint is a compilation of my life’s achievements, my successes, my failures, and a couple hidden secrets…
Think you’ve discovered them all? Then test your knowledge with this kahoot by clicking here!


If you score better than 9000 points then click the link below.



That concludes my eminent learning centre!! Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a fantastic evening!!