Learning Center: Jane Goodall

Welcome to my learning center about Jane Goodall. After going through my VR exhibit please take the time to comment on my blog.

Please start by clicking the door then move on to pressing play at the bottom of the exhibit.

If you want to learn more click here and it will take you to the Jane Goodall Institute’s page.

“We can have a world of peace. We can move toward a world where we live in harmony with nature. Where we live in harmony with each other. No matter what nation we come from. No matter what our religion. No matter what our culture. This is where we’re moving towards.”

– Dr. Jane Goodall’s message for #peaceday.

21 thoughts on “Learning Center: Jane Goodall

  1. Hi Ellie!
    I really liked the aesthetic of your museum and I liked how you put images with descriptions with it. I also really like the quote you put on your blog.
    Why do you think Jane Goodall chose to do her experiments on chimps?

    1. At a young age, Jane was gifted Jubilee from her father. Jubilee was a stuffy her father gave to her shortly before he left for the war. As many children have been given a stuffy at a young age, this was Janes, but unlike other children, she held onto ideas that developed around Jubilee. With her mother’s encouragement, her joy being around Jubilee, her passion for chimpanzees grew.

  2. Awesome Learning Centre!
    I really liked how the different information boards on the walls helped break up the information. The bit about her being inspired by and obsessed with Jubilee long before she saw chimpanzees is very cool. It took me by surprise when you mentioned Jane observed cannibalism in chimpanzees for the first time in 1975. Was this a discovery of hers about chimpanzee behavior, or a revelation about the endangerment of chimps? What was its significance?

    1. Such great questions! To answer your first question wondering if here discoveries were about chimpanzee behavior or a revelation about the endangerment of chimps, the answer is both! Jane started by forcing on chimp behavior but as she moved into advocacy she looked more into the endangerment of chimpanzees. Janes discoveries made us realize chimpanzees are our closest relatives and changed the stereotype that you can’t interact with your subjects. It was always a “bad thing” to interact with your subjects, much less to give them names, yet that’s exactly what Goodall did and this paved a way for credibility for others.

  3. Hi Ellie, wonderful Learning Centre. I especially liked the quote from Jane Goodall you provided at the bottom of your blog post. Considering the many divides that we are currently experiencing, especially due to the pandemic, what do you think would be Jane Goodall’s advice to us in order to move forward together?

    1. I think Jane would definitely want us to use our time spent in quarantine reflecting on our world today. We are currently taking a direct view of global warming over the last summer and a lot of what we have seen has been reflected in many topics Jane has discussed. though covid has limited trivial the JGIC continues to focus on protecting wildlife and empowering people.

  4. Hi Ellie, I loved how you used a open space and so many pictures to capture your eminent person! What was your favourite part of completing your eminent presentation and what do you think is the most important thing you learned.

    1. I really enjoyed learning about Janes journey and how she took so many risks to pursue her dream. The big thing I learned through my research is to follow your dreams and pursue your passions.

  5. Hi Ellie!
    It was a great experience learning about Jane Goodall and her amazing work. I really liked the platform you decided to use, how organized the tour was, and the way you chose to display the text/writing. It was nice that you included Jane Goodall’s inspirations as well.
    Was there a favourite chimpanzee that Jane Goodall worked with?
    What kind of efforts is the foundation set up by Jane Goodall doing to stop/discourage hunting of chimpanzees?

    1. Janes favorite chimp was David Greaybead, who was the first chimp to have been observed by Jane using tools. Though JGIC employees do not have permission to arrest hunters, the hunters are forbidden from hunting on the chimp sanctuary ground. they also are working on finding jobs for the hunters because most of their motivation to hunt is for money and chimps do not sell for much dead.

  6. Hi,
    You said that Jane may have been influenced by her childhood stuffy. What event or object from your childhood do you think might inspire you?
    Mrs. Chambers

    1. For me personally, a lot of my inspiration didn’t come from a stuffy but more so the people I met and the opportunities/experiences I was given. when I was younger I remember looking after my neighbor’s dogs and cats as well as going to the horse stables for lessons. a lot of these experiences really kickstarted my passion for animals.

  7. Hi Ellie! Your learning center was very organized and informational. What do you think the Chimps thought the first time they saw a women observing them?


    1. Honestly, probably threatened as they have only ever seen hunters. but soon with lots of passtionts and time, they began to trustee Jane.

  8. Hey Ellie! Great museum! You used this technology so well!
    I was wondering about Jane’s experience seeing the mother and child chimp eat a baby chimp. Do you think that discoveries like these were difficult for Jane to handle? Did they change things for her, do you think? I know that they are a part of learning about an animal, but I imagine it would have been shocking for her.

    1. Jane must have been extremely shocked but before she had discovered cannibalism she had already learned that they eat meat as well as hunt. I can imagine at that point that she was prepared for anything!

  9. Hi Ellie! I really really loved your use of this creative format. Your choice of eminent person is really cool and I liked learning with you! These are such powerful images and I love the insight of the last quote, you really brought a good message to this learning centre. Is there a lesson that Jane Goodall taught you that resonates with you the most?

    1. A lesson that Jane taught me during my research is to follow your dreams and pursue your passions. It really inspired me to hear about the risks she took, and I think that pursuing your passions is one of the most important steps in life.

  10. Well done on your learning center Ellie! Your highlights of Jane’s eminence and discoveries were great. I liked how you dedicated a section to what influenced her to study chimps. I think it’s something that’s often overlooked. My question is how could (or have) we used Jane’s discoveries to benefit chimps or even just animals in general?

  11. Ellie, your passion for the animal world, in general, shines through your learning centre. You chose a person who has a lot to teach us about being kinder and being an activist. What character traits do you admire most in Jane and why?

    1. I admire Jane’s ability to take risks. She has always had her dreams placed on untouchable platforms, but she leaps for them anyway, pushing herself to take massive risks that put me in aww. the nation for her work makes me understand why she took these risks and I admire that.

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