Night of the Notables – Helen Keller Learning Centre!

*This post is written in 1st person, as if written from the perspective of Helen Keller* 

When I was only 19 months old, I contracted a sickness that resulted in the loss of my sight and hearing. For a few years, I was unable to communicate with others; however, when I was six years old, Anne Sullivan became my mentor, and she taught me how to read finger-spelled words. From there, I was able to learn many different forms of communication 

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” 

– Helen Keller

When I was 20 years old, I received the opportunity to attended Radcliffe college, and in 1904, I became the first Deafblind person ever to graduate college.  

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision” 

– Helen Keller

In my later years, I wrote several books and advocated for the rights of Deaf and blind individuals, as well as equality for women. I co-founded the ACLU, or the American Civil Liberties Union.  

“What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me” 

– Helen Keller

Click on the photo to enlarge it

If you would like, please join me in a Teams video call to play a Kahoot! 

The Teams call link: Click here to join the meeting (

If you do not have the Teams app, you can still play! Just click the link on your laptop and use the browser version!

If you have never played a Kahoot before, a Kahoot is a fun way of testing your knowledge using online quizzes. All you have to do is:  

  1. Google “” on any device (Phone, laptop, etc.)  

  2. Join the Teams call 

  3. Enter the game pin that is displayed on the Teams call’s scream into the “” website.  

  4. Play the game!  

*A new Kahoot game will start every 5 minutes. However, you can also join in the middle of a game if you wish! 


Please leave any questions you have in the comments and I will respond to them within a few minutes! 


Thank you!

Eminent Learning Centre

My Eminent learning centre- Mary Edwards Walker

This is a picture of my entire learning centre.


This is a close-up of part of my learning centre.


What is my Eminent learning centre?

For this project, we got around one month to research a person in history who we found made a large positive impact. To demonstrate our learning, we had to make learning centres, which would both explain a bit about what our person did, and included an interactive component. On Night of The Notables, people would walk around, looking at our learning centres and asking us questions about our person. For my learning centre, I researched Mary Edwards Walker. My interactive component was the game Operation, as Mary Edwards Walker was a surgeon.


What pre-existing skills was I able to use?

I was able to use my communication skills during this project to talk to people on Night of The Notables and answer questions. I was also able to use my creative thinking to come up with fun ways to get people to interact and better understand Mary Walker.


What challenges did I face during this project?

One of the challenges that I faced during this project was thinking in advance of some of the questions people might have asked on Night of The Notables and completing research about Dr. Walker so that I could best answer those questions. Another challenge was time-management, as we had a lot to do in a small amount of time. I had to plan out a schedule for making sure I was staying on track and not procrastinating too much.