Assignment #2: Infographic on gooseneck barnacles (science)

My infographic on Gooseneck barnacles

Summary of the assignment and learning objectives:  

For this project, we were each assigned one organism that we had to research. There was a list of criteria and questions we had to answer about our organism, such as ‘how do they reproduce?’ and ‘what are the advantages and disadvantages of the way your organism reproduces?’. We then had to show our research in a clear and concise way. I was assigned the gooseneck barnacle. I researched and answered all the questions and presented my research using an infographic that resembles a flow chart and a mind map 


I design my work with consideration given to aesthetics and design, such as consistent colour schemes, symmetry or organization of visual elements, and overall layout (7) 

We were not given a specific way to present our research, just that it had to be clear and easy to read. I decided to do a combination of a flow chart and mind map. This layout was easy to read and clearly showed how each point connected to other points. I put in a lot of effort to make the infographic aesthetic, using bright colours and a format that was easy to follow. I also used visual elements that were engaging and helped the audience understand the information in the infographic, such as diagrams and pictures of the barnacles. I tried to make the infographic as easy to follow and organized as possible so that the audience could easily learn more about gooseneck barnacles.  

I determine and use the most effective medium to present my work (6)  

As the presentation of our information for this project was up to us to decide, I had to find a way to show my research in a way that was clear and concise. I thought of many different options for how I could show my research, and in the end, I decided that a combination of a mind map and a flow chart would be the most effective. The flow chart/mind map showed how ideas and information were connected, which made understanding and reading the research more interesting and easier to understand 

I tailor my work to appeal to my intended audience and use language and visual design elements appropriate for them (2) 

While creating the infographic, I had to decide what visuals to include, knowing that my intended audience was the rest of my class. I wanted to make the infographic interesting to look at with bright colours so that people would be interested, and I also wanted to use visuals that would enhance their understanding. When choosing the language, I used words that we had learned in class, such as embryo, and then I explained other words that were more specific to the barnacle to make sure people understood.  

I enhance the impact of my research or presentation through creative use of technology (5)  

By combining pictures, diagrams, text and in a format resembling a flow chart and a mind map, I creatively used technology to make my infographic more interesting to look at, concise, and easily understandable. By adding diagrams from the internet, I made it easier to understand the concepts on the infographic, and by using pictures and bright colours, I made the infographic more interesting to look at, which makes people more likely to read it. The use of shapes and format made it easy to follow and clearly shows my research and answers to the questions.  

Assignment #1: Part Time Indian presentations (socials)


This is a link for my presentation


Summary of the assignment and learning objectives:  

For this project, my group created a PowerPoint on Indigenous women’s rights. We worked together on a shared Word document to gather information from reliable sources about how Indigenous women are treated in today’s society. We then split up the work and created a PowerPoint and script for our presentation to the class. At the end, we all made a works cited page for all of our sources using the “reference” tool in Word.  


I look at controversial issues or topics from opposed perspectives to gain a more complete understanding (12)  

For this assignment, I had to look at the issue of Indigenous women’s rights through several perspectives. I researched the various ways we can view this issue, and although it was hard for me to be unbiased, I tried to go into it with an open mind. I researched the different ways the government has approached the issue, even when I disagreed with several of the opinions. I looked at statistics and information to back up each viewpoint when possible, to get a better understanding of why people have conflicting viewpoints on this controversial topic.  

I go beyond google and use databases to find scholarly research sources (11)  

To find sources that were reliable and unbiased, I looked in the school library online. I used sources like The Globe and Mail and The Canadian Encyclopedia, as well as other reliable news sources, for the majority of my research. We also made sure that all the sources were current so that we could confirm that the information was more accurate. I also looked at the authors of the articles to make sure that they were credible and were informed on the topics they were writing about. We put effort into finding sources that were reliable on the school library online.  

I use digital spaces to plan and execute collaborative projects with my peers (1)  

To make the PowerPoint for our presentation, our group used a shared PowerPoint presentation on Office 365. We were each responsible for two or three slides, and the shared PowerPoint presentation was a good way for us to all collaborate on the same presentation, while still having our own slides. We were also able to make our separate parts, while still maintaining consistency between slides by having the same background and format. We also had a shared Word document for us to put our script. On that document, we were able to see what the others in the group were going to say so that we did not repeat information 

My work demonstrates a positive, productive, and empathetic worldview (15)

For this project, we were bringing awareness to the issue of Indigenous women’s rights and the large number of Indigenous women who are murdered and go missing each year. We were also showing the different viewpoints of certain governments, and we explained what we can do to improve this situation. In the presentation, we informed the audience of the problem based on statistics and without bias, as well as explaining how different government have reacted to this issue, which was giving an empathetic worldview. Then, we gave examples of what we can do to improve the situation, which was a positive way to raise awareness and help this problem.  

Emma’s In-depth blog post #4

I am very lucky that my project is one where meeting my mentor, Sandra, online is possible, since I am still able to learn ASL through a screen, although it is not ideal. I have spent this time in the past month learning how to sign leisure activities, such as dancing, watching movies, shopping, and hiking, how to identify people based on their appearance and body posture, as well as learning signs for certain languages and places, like school and university. I also started learning how to sign emotions, how much people remember, and degree of difficulty of activities. To practice all these signs, Sandra gave me a worksheet to fill out with my ‘autobiography’, where I can practice signing everything on the sheet. My ‘autobiography’ includes my name, what languages I know, where I go to school, how difficult I think learning certain activities is, and my likes and dislikes.  


Here is a video of a few signs for leisure activities I have learned


What has been my most difficult mentoring challenge so far?  Why?

The most difficult mentoring challenge so far has been trying to continue meeting while unable to meet in person because of the coronavirus. This has been difficult since I want to continue meeting Sandra to keep learning, but we are unable to meet in person. We have decided to start meeting using Zoom online. This is not as convenient as meeting in person, and many challenges will arise due to this obstacle. Since Sandra is very organized and brings ‘worksheets’ to each meeting to refer to, seeing and receiving those worksheets will be one of those challenges. I have also gotten to know Sandra more than I did at the beginning of the project, and another challenge will be maintaining that connection when we are not meeting in person. I will make sure to do extra research between our online meeting so that I can keep learning at a regular pace throughout the project.  


What is working well? Why?

One element of this project that I feel is working well is the communication with Sandra during our meetings. Even though we are not talking, we are able to understand each other using ASL, or, when I am not able to fully express myself with the ASL I have learned, I fingerspell words or we write things down. ASL largely involves facial expressions, so even if I do not understand what Sandra is signing, I am able to get the idea through her body language.  

I am also really getting to know Sandra, which makes the meeting even more enjoyable. When Sandra was teaching me how to sign leisure activities, such as camping, sewing and cooking, we would ask each other what we liked doing in our spare time. In this activity, I learned a lot about what Sandra enjoys doing, as well as what we have in common.  



What could be working better?  How can I make sure this happens?

Something that could be working better are more regular meetings with Sandra. We have been trying to meet every week, but since it was Spring Break and everyone is very busy because of the virus, we have not been able to meet on a regular basis. To make sure this happens, I will communicate with Sandra and try to find a day and time where we can meet regularly using Zoom online, even if it is only every two weeks instead of each week, as we were doing before Spring Break.

In-depth blog post #3

In-depth blog post #3


Since my last blog post, I have learned more about ASL grammar and a few new signs. My mentor, Sandra, taught me how to fingerspell names with double letters. There are three ways to sign double letters: bouncing your hand when signing, keeping you hand still, or moving your hand sideways when signing the double letter. All the letters are signed in one of these three ways. For example, the letter “B” is signed by bouncing your hand, while the letter “M” is signed without a bounce. “A”, “O”, and “E” are all signed by moving your hand to the side when fingerspelling that letter. I must remember which method of signing is used for each letter, which is difficult at times, but I will continue to practice. I also learned how to ask different types of questions, and how to respond properly using the ASL grammar and facial expressions. Sandra is such an amazing mentor and I am so excited to continue learning ASL with her!


What went particularly well during my mentoring sessions? 

In the sessions I have had so far with my mentor, a few things that went particularly well were our ability to communicate, the rate at which I was learning, and creating a good environment to learn. Even though neither of us were talking, as Sandra is Deaf, we were able to effectively exchange questions and concepts. Sandra always brings papers to our meetings with information on what I am going to learn, and she writes little notes on the paper to clarify if necessary. To learn a new sign or concept, Sandra demonstrates and then gets me to repeat it. Because a huge part of ASL is body language, we communicate using facial expressions just as much as we communicate through sign. It is a really interesting and different experience! Sandra also teaches me a lot each week but gives me time to practice and ask questions. She gives me sheets for me to practice at home before meeting her again each week, so I feel that I am learning a lot, without it being too much of an overload of information. I always feel comfortable at the meetings to ask questions or to get Sandra to repeat something, which creates a positive environment for learning. 


What learning challenges emerged and what did I do to hold myself accountable for my learning? 

A large learning challenge that emerged was communicating more complex conversations without an interpreter. For the first meeting I had with Sandra, another woman came and interpreted our conversations so that we could establish questions like how long we were going to meet for and where. For all the meeting after that, though, it was just Sandra and me. Weirdly, I find that I learn faster without an interpreter because I am forced to pay extra attention to signs and facial expressions. But when Sandra is showing me something more complex or trying to correct me, sometimes things are miscommunicated when we are just relying on ASL. Another challenge that emerged is trying to keep up with the conversation when we are fingerspelling because I still find it difficult to quickly recognize and comprehend what she is saying. To stay accountable for my learning, I make sure to practice the sheets that Sandra gives me at each meeting so that I improve before the next time we meet. I also go back to the things that I learned a few meetings ago to make sure I do not forget information I already learned. I make sure to watch videos on the two sites Sandra recommended to review signs. 


What logical challenges affected our communication and what factors affected our ability to interact effectively? 

The obvious answer to this question is the fact that Sandra and I cannot communicate verbally. Although I am slowly figuring out how to communicate using ASL, I am not used to relying so heavily on facial expressions. Body language is a large part of ASL, and Sandra says that ASL is 40% signs and 60% body language. Also, when we speak out loud, we can hear the tone of someone’s voice to detect their emotions. With my mentor, I cannot hear her tone, and this is something that affects our ability to communicate. Even with these obstacles, we are still able to find ways to communicate our ideas, either by fingerspelling out words, using body language or, when absolutely necessary, writing things down. 


I cannot wait to keep learning ASL with Sandra!


Emma’s blog post #2 for In-depth

In-depth blog post #2

How did my mentor gain her experience and expertise? 

Sandra, my mentor, is Deaf, and uses ASL as her way of communicating. She gained her experience at a young age. She attended a school where they focused on how to read lips, and they tried to teach Sandra how to speak English. This was extremely difficult for her as she was, and is, Deaf. When Sandra was eight years old, she met a neighbour her age who was also Deaf. Her neighbour’s family taught her how to communicate through ASL, and Sandra joined Deaf camps, Deaf sports and Deaf clubs, although she unfortunately remained in the oral school until she graduated. 

What were those experiences like for my mentor? 

Learning how to communicate using ASL was an amazing experience for Sandra. Her Deaf friends were her family, something she could never feel with the others at her oral school as she could not communicate with them very easily. It made her feel alive and fresh because she loves being with her Deaf “family”. After graduating the oral school, Sandra fully embraced the Deaf community. Sandra says she would be lost without ASL, and she prefers to be called Deaf and is proud of it! 

What wisdom have I gained from my mentor so far? 

So far, I have met with my mentor twice, once with an interpreter, and once without. At the first meeting, which was with an interpreter, my mentor taught me some basic phrases such as ‘nice to meet you’ and ‘what is your name?’ Although I already knew how to fingerspell the alphabet in ASL, Sandra gave me a sheet that would help me fingerspell quicker. She also gave me a sheet to help me learn the numbers up to twenty. To help me quickly recognize finger spelled words, as that is a large part of ASL, we played a game. She signed a combination of two letter, and then either repeated the same two letters or signed another combination. My job was to, using the signs Sandra had taught me, tell her if the combos were the same or different. I quickly realized that it is extremely difficult to recognize what Sandra is signing when she signs so quickly! I will continue to work on rapidly recognizing fingerspelling so that I can keep up with Sandra in a conversation.  

Sandra also taught me some of the basic grammar rules for ASL. She explained that facial expressions play a large role in ASL, just as tone plays a large role when you are speaking English. She explained that for questions like who, what, where, when and why, you must furrow your brow and lean your head forward. For yes or no questions, you must raise your eyebrows and lean your head forward. We practiced asking each other what our names were, and we would respond using different finger-spelled names, to practice fingerspelling.  

Strangely, though I learned a lot the first meeting, I felt that I felt I learned even more the second time, when there was not an interpreter. I needed to pay more attention to her signs because there was not a person there to tell me what Sandra was saying if I missed something. This encouraged me to ask more questions and learn more signs. We reviewed some of the signs I learned in the first meeting, and we did a bit of practicing of fingerspelling. Sandra then taught me the signs for the colours. She also gave me another lesson on grammar. In a sentence in ASL, when you are referring to the topic, you raise your eyebrows. We practiced the colours and the grammar I learned by describing people and their clothing around us.  Here are a few of the links that Sandra recommend I use to learn those signs:  

ASL That colours

ASL That clothes 

What have I learned so far, in terms of facilitation strategies, that might contribute to my own development as a mentor? 

In terms of facilitation strategies, I have learned a lot from Sandra on how I could develop as a mentor. Even though we cannot communicate through words, she makes it easy to understand what I am learning, and she always gives me time to practice and to make sure I understand. She is also very organized. She brings a folder to each meeting containing papers she plans on giving me, and extra blank paper in case we must write something down to communicate. I find that the way she facilitates the meeting is really effective and allows me to learn a lot in just one hour each week.  


I will continue to work on quickly recognizing signs and fingerspelling and learning new signs, too. Sandra is an amazing mentor, and I look forward to meeting with her again to learn more!

Eminent Learning Centre

My Eminent learning centre- Mary Edwards Walker

This is a picture of my entire learning centre.


This is a close-up of part of my learning centre.


What is my Eminent learning centre?

For this project, we got around one month to research a person in history who we found made a large positive impact. To demonstrate our learning, we had to make learning centres, which would both explain a bit about what our person did, and included an interactive component. On Night of The Notables, people would walk around, looking at our learning centres and asking us questions about our person. For my learning centre, I researched Mary Edwards Walker. My interactive component was the game Operation, as Mary Edwards Walker was a surgeon.


What pre-existing skills was I able to use?

I was able to use my communication skills during this project to talk to people on Night of The Notables and answer questions. I was also able to use my creative thinking to come up with fun ways to get people to interact and better understand Mary Walker.


What challenges did I face during this project?

One of the challenges that I faced during this project was thinking in advance of some of the questions people might have asked on Night of The Notables and completing research about Dr. Walker so that I could best answer those questions. Another challenge was time-management, as we had a lot to do in a small amount of time. I had to plan out a schedule for making sure I was staying on track and not procrastinating too much.

In-depth post #1

In-Depth: ASL



I love talking with other people. Sharing stories and asking questions. I feel that communication is a huge part of my life. Because I can hear, I am able to communicate orally. For individuals who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, communicating orally is often not an option. I want to be able to communicate with those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, as I feel this would be an amazing experience. 




For my In-depth project this year, I am going to learn American Sign Language. My goal is to be able to effectively communicate with a person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing by the end of the project. I will use recourses such as YouTube videos, websites and apps to practice fingerspelling, signing, as well as rapidly recognizing the signs I have learned. I must learn ASL grammar, which is very different from English grammar, as well as having to learn a variety of signs. By the end of In-depth this year, I will try to be able to quickly recognize signs, be able to finger spell and sign without hesitations, and know the basics of ASL so that I can communicate with others who are not able to communicate orally.  



To learn ASL, I first emailed a woman who is a Registered Sign Language Interpreter, asking her if she would want to be my mentor. Over email, she told me that the Deaf community has an important culture that goes along with the language. She said that as she can hear, and as ASL is not her first language, it would not be appropriate for her to teach me ASL. Although she would not teach me, she said she would help me contact a person who is Deaf who would be willing to teach me. She also offered to attend our meetings and interpret until I no longer need an interpreter to communicate with the person who is Deaf. We are still emailing to figure out scheduling, but I will attempt to meet with her in the next two weeks to start learning.  

As well as learning from my mentor, I am going to try to meet with others who are Deaf. This will be a good way for me to see where my learning is at, as I will be able to see how well I can communicate with each Deaf person.  



I have not yet figured out where my mentor and I will meet, although we will probably want to meet somewhere quiet and calm because it will most likely be easiest to learn in a peaceful place.  



There are three large components of my In-depth project this year: learning ASL grammar, learning a variety of signs, and learning to speedily recognize signs and fingerspelling. I will learn the basic ASL grammar by April 27, although I will start learning it immediately. Grammar is the foundation for being able to understand and be understood in ASL, so I will need to learn ASL grammar quickly. I will work on learning signs throughout the project. I will learn numbers and fingerspelling by January 20. After that, I will start learning more complex signs discussing family, time, animals, places, and much more. I will practice recognizing signs quickly as I learn them. By May 25, I hope to be able to rapidly recognize all the signs I have learned, be able to sign a variety of common signs, and be able to understand and use ASL grammar.  



There are a variety of ways I hope to reach my goals. Here are a few of the recourses I have already found that will help me learn and recognize ASL:

“100 basic signs” 

This YouTube video shows some basic signs that cover family, places, time, temperature, food, clothing, health, emotions, questions, quantities, colours, money, and animal signs.  

“Beginner ASL Lesson”

This YouTube channel contains many different basic ASL lessons teaching simple vocabulary that is commonly used in conversations.  

“An intro to ASL Grammar Rules” 

This website explains some of the basic grammar rules for ASL. There is also a video to help you understand how grammar in ASL works.  

How to Structure Sentences in American Sign Language

This website talks about how to structure your sentences in ASL. 

ASL Sign Language Dictionary 

On this website, you can look up a variety of words and phrases, and the website will automatically bring up different videos that will teach you how to say the word or phrase you looked up in ASL.


I will use these YouTube videos and websites to learn signs and practice recognizing them. I will also practice having conversations with my mentor. I will also try to meet with other Deaf and Hard of Hearing people to practice having conversations, as well as see what I need to improve on to be able to fully communicate with someone in ASL.  

Anotated Bibliography for Eminent – Mary Edwards Walker

Works Cited

Alexander, Kerri Lee. Mary Edwards Walker. 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>. Editors. Mary Walker Biography. 28 August 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Blakemore, Erin. How a Woman Won the Medal of Honor 150 Years Before She Could Serve in Combat. 01 March 2016 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Although this web site discusses several events in Mary Edwards Walker’s life, it focuses mainly on Dr. Walker’s contributing in the Civil War. Through this source, you can see how she was perceived by both the Union Army and the Confederate Army. She was not accepted because of her strange way of dressing and her controversial opinion on amputation. The web site highlights Dr. Mary’s time as a prisoner of war in Castle Thunder. This source helped me understand Dr. Mary’s work in the Civil War.

—. How a Woman Won the Medal of Honor 150 Years Before She Could Serve in Combat. 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. Mary Edwards Walker . 22 November 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>. . Mary Edwards Walker. 05 November 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

This source goes very in-depth into all aspects of Mary Edwards Walker’s life, from growing up with her family who supported gender equality, to her work after the Civil War. From this web site, I was able to learn a variety of facts about Dr. Walker’s entire life. It covers how Mary Edwards Walker got her education, her struggles to become a surgeon in the Civil War, her support of the Dress Reform Association, and her legacy. Because of its thorough and accurate information, I was able to better understand Mary Edwards Walker’s life and her wants and fears.

Heichelbech, Rose. The Fascinating Story of Dr. Mary Edwards Walker- The Lady Surgeon Who Wore a Top Hat. 2019. Website . 29 November 2019. <>.

How a Woman Won the Medal of Honor 150 Years Before She Could Serve in Combat. 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Lange, Katie. Meet Dr. Mary Walker: The only female Medal of Honor recipient. 7 March 2017. Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Lineberry, Cate. ‘I Wear My Own Clothes’. 2 December 2013 . Website . 29 November 2019. <>.

Mary Edwards Walker. 2019. Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

National Park Service . Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. 20 November 2019 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Nelson, John. Mary Edwards Walker . n.d. Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Pass, Alexandra R. and Jennifer D. Bishop. Mary Edwards Walker: Trailblazing feminist, surgeon, and war veteran. 2016. Web site. 30 November 2019. <>.

This source discusses multiple topics about Mary Edwards Walker, but there is a very detailed explanation of Dr. Mary Walker’s childhood. I could understand how Mary’s parents helped shape how Mary perceived women’s rights. We can see how her childhood differed from the majority of girls’ at that time. This knowledge helped me understand how Mary’s passions for being a surgeon started.

Peterson, Christopher. Mary Edwards Walker: Above and Beyond. 25 September 2012. web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Reimann, Matt. The only woman to win the medal of honor fought for her role in the Civil War. 24 March 2017 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

This web site goes into extreme detail about Mary Edwards Walker’s time as a prisoner of war in Virginia. This source discusses the prison’s leader’s “cruel” behavior toward the prisoners, and the extra torture Dr. Mary endured because of her gender. I learned about the effects of her time as a prisoner of war on Dr. Walker’s life after the Civil War. We can see Mary’s real personality when the source studies her attitude and reactions to being a POW.

The Famous People . Mary Edwards Walker Biography. n.d. Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

U.S. National Library of Medicine . Dr. Mary Edwards Walker . 03 June 2015 . Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

Williams, Glenn. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker. 21 February 2016. Web site . 30 November 2019 . <>.

women in history . women in history . 27 february 2013. website . 28 11 2019.

Women In History . WOMEN IN HISTORY – MARY EDWARDS WALKER. 27 February 2013. Website. 29 November 2019. <>.

This source explores how Mary Edwards Walker was a feminist throughout her entire life. It talks about how, even before and during the war, Mary was working towards equal rights for women. Dr. Mary Walker left a lasting impression on all the soldiers she helped and on the soldiers in Confederate territory as she was a POW. I leaded how dedicated Mary Edwards Walker was towards dress reform and equal rights.



Introducing Mary Edwards Walker

“You must come to terms with the reality that nothing outside ourselves, be it people or things is actually responsible for our happiness.”

-Mary Edwards Walker 


I am drawn to Mary Walker because she risked her life to help injured soldiers in the Civil War, because she fought for women’s rights, and because she is the first and only women to receive the Medal of Honor. Mary was a surgeon in the Civil War, and while trying to help soldiers, she was captured by the Confederate Army and was a prisoner of war for five months. Multiple times she was arrested for wearing a man’s clothing, but she did not allow herself to be pushed to wear a dress. She also wrote two books, Hit and Unmasked.

Image result for Mary Edwards Walker

Mary Edwards Walker should be considered eminent because she helped many people in the Civil War as a surgeon and inspired a lot of women to fight for their rights. She volunteered before, after and during the Civil War in hospitals and in orphanages, wearing pants and a top hat the entire time. She was the president of the “National Dress Reform Association” and supported women’s suffrage. She wrote two books talking about her views on women’s rights and voting. Between her schooling and the Civil War, Mary set up two main projects: one project that helped families find other family members in hospitals across Washington, and the other providing female visitors a safe place to stay during their visit.  

Image result for Mary Edwards Walker

I think one of Mary Walker’s strengths is being determined and not letting what people say hurt her. When she was told to stop wearing men’s clothing, to which she would say “I don’t wear men’s clothes, I wear my own clothes”, or when she was told to quit the debate society in school, or when she was told she could not work in the Civil War because she was a woman, she always pushed back, and in several cases she won. Also, after being given the Medal of Honor, the criteria for getting a Medal of Honor was changed and was taken away from Mary, but she refused and continued to wear her Medal of Honor until her death. Years later, the Medal was re-awarded to her in 1977, after she had died. Another strength was being a critical thinker and not simply accepting what society said just because that was “just the way it is”. She fought for women’s rights and could understand that women should have the right to vote, even if that was not the typical opinion in society. One of Mary’s weaknesses might have been that she was at times almost too brave, crossing into enemy territory trying to help people during the war, and being taken as a prisoner of war in the process. But that bravery also served as one of her greatest strengths while helping in the war and while fighting for women’s rights.  

“You [men] are not our protectors…. If you were, who would there be to protect us from?”

-Mary Edwards Walker 


Before Mary Walker was a famous feminist and surgeon, she attended Syracuse Medical College in 1855 to receive a Doctor of Medicine degree and was the only female in her class. It was rare for women to pursue careers in that field, so Mary had to overcome the challenge of constantly being told she could not be a surgeon. In school, Mary joined the debating society as the first female member and was suspended when she would not quit. Originally, when offering to work as a surgeon in the Civil War, her offer was turned down because she was a woman and female surgeons were not trusted or accepted. Mary was persistent though, and eventually they let her help.  


Image result for Mary Edwards Walker

One person who influenced Mary Walker was Amelia Bloomer, who informed women of the health risks with corsets and dresses and started wearing “bloomers”, or pantaloons, and convinced many other women to do the same. Mary Walker wore bloomers before she started wearing men’s clothing all the time, even when other women abandoned bloomers after teasing and assaults from certain men and women. Amelia Bloomer opened Mary’s eyes to the fact that a change could be made. The second large influence was Mary’s family. Both her parents believed that girls and boys should get equal education, and Mary and her sisters were all educated as boys would have been by their parents. They also supported Mary when she started wearing what would be traditionally men’s clothing and told her that working towards a job as a surgeon was perfectly acceptable. Amelia Bloomer and the Walkers were huge influences that helped Mary do all the work she did in the Civil War and for women’s rights.  


One passion I share with Mary Edwards Walker is writing. After her work in the Civil War, Mary wrote two books about her views of feminism and the education system. As for our upbringing, we both grew up in North America, with parents who encouraged us. Mary’s parents were extremely supportive of her educational and career goals, which was rare in the 1830’s.  

Image result for Mary Edwards Walker books

A quality I think I share in common with Mary Edwards Walker is being a critical thinker. She also cared about women’s rights, which is something I care about too. Another quality I think we share is being determined, something Mary had to be to achieve her eminence.

Mary Edwards Walker exemplifies my goals in TALONS because I want to work as hard as she did at school. She had to put in a lot of effort to get an education and to get her Doctor of Medicine degree, and I want to work just as hard to do well in TALONS.  

The main barrier that separates Mary Edwards Walker and I is when we grew up. Because Mary grew up in the 1830’s, education was uncommon for girls, as was being a surgeon. Now, if I wanted to be surgeon, it would take much less effort that it took Mary. I can address this in my speech by doing research on how the daily lives of women in the 1830-1900’s compare to our lives now.  

Image result for Mary Edwards Walker


Mary Edwards Walker has contributed to feminism and women’s rights by demonstrating in the Civil War that women can be surgeons just as well as men can, and she inspired many women to wear “Bloomers”, when it was still unaccepted for women to wear pants. She almost never wore a dress in public, even during her wedding, where she wore pants. She contributed as a surgeon in the war by helping injured soldiers on both sides. Before being accepted as a surgeon by the army, she volunteered as a nurse at orphanages and at hospitals.  

Mary Edwards Walker has made a ding in the universe by fighting for equal rights for women, something that is still being fought for today. Today though, any women can go to university in Canada, which is the difference between what Mary Walker had to go through and what we must today. But that right to an education we have all started with women like Mary, who fought for their own education. I hope that in a hundred years, women still understand that their education is not something that was just handed to all girls in the past, but was something they had to work for. I hope people can realize this and thank Mary Walker, and all the other girls, who fought for equal rights. 

While rising to her eminence, Mary had to face many obstacles, such as getting an education and the gender roles of society. She faced these obstacles by ignoring those who told her she “could not do it”, and instead just went for it. She showed up to university, even when she was told not to. She wore pants and a top hat, even after getting arrested more than five times for it. She even tried registered to vote in 1871 but was again turned away. Mary Walker wanted equal rights for women and men, and she feared a future where women were continually forced to fit in the gender roles of society. She felt that “the greatest sorrows from which women suffer today are those physical, moral and mental ones, that are caused by their unhygienic manner of dressing”.  


My goal for the next stage of my research is to find out more about what Mary Walker’s daily life would have been like in the 1830’s to 1900’s. I want to be able to connect with Mary Walker through knowing what life was like. I will find at least a dozen more facts about the time period when she lived before Night of the Notables so I can understand her even more.  







Digital Footprint Assignment

  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

My digital footprint could affect my future when applying for jobs or when applying for university. If a possible employer sees negative things you may have posted or said on the internet, they are probably less likely to hire you. Same thing for a university. It could also impact your relationship with your friends if they see something rude that you posted. Your friends can find images and comments you post, and they may not appreciate a friend that posts mean things on the internet. Also, if you post something mean about someone, that person could find it and they will probably not be happy that you posted it. Finally, you might have posted an image of something illegal that you did, or you could have posted an illegal comment, and there might be legal consequences. You should try to use social media and the internet to create a positive impact and make friends, not hurt people.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

To keep my digital footprint appropriate and safe I can THINK (is it true, is it hurtful, is it illegal, is it necessary, and is it kind) before posting anything, I can avoid posting the location of my house or school, and I can avoid mentioning the names of family members and friends. If I always think about the impact of what I am posting, then I will not post things that could endanger me, such as posting personal information, or post things that could endanger others, such as the names of my friends or their addresses. If I use the THINK acronym, I will avoid hurting others on the internet, and doing anything that is illegal. If you are on social media, you can change the setting of your account to keep it more private, but you have to understand that everything you post is permanent, and once you post it, even if it was on a private account, people can find ways to see it.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

If I could go back in time, I do not think I would change anything or do anything different online. I do not use any social media, so I generally do not post anything, and I have definitely never posted personal information about my school or my address. I would tell my younger self and other students that what you post and how often you post will have an affect not just on your career, but also on your social life. I would explain that to them by showing them how distracting social media can be and how concerned people are with their social media. I would advise them to only post images and words that were really important and meaningful to them, not just posting for the sake of posting. If everybody only posted inspiring things, we would probably be less distracted by our social media, less people would be hurt, less people would have the chance to regret things they had said, and the environment online would probably be more inviting and happy.