Night of the Notables – Helen Keller Learning Centre!

*This post is written in 1st person, as if written from the perspective of Helen Keller* 

When I was only 19 months old, I contracted a sickness that resulted in the loss of my sight and hearing. For a few years, I was unable to communicate with others; however, when I was six years old, Anne Sullivan became my mentor, and she taught me how to read finger-spelled words. From there, I was able to learn many different forms of communication 

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” 

– Helen Keller

When I was 20 years old, I received the opportunity to attended Radcliffe college, and in 1904, I became the first Deafblind person ever to graduate college.  

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision” 

– Helen Keller

In my later years, I wrote several books and advocated for the rights of Deaf and blind individuals, as well as equality for women. I co-founded the ACLU, or the American Civil Liberties Union.  

“What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me” 

– Helen Keller

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If you would like, please join me in a Teams video call to play a Kahoot! 

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If you have never played a Kahoot before, a Kahoot is a fun way of testing your knowledge using online quizzes. All you have to do is:  

  1. Google “” on any device (Phone, laptop, etc.)  

  2. Join the Teams call 

  3. Enter the game pin that is displayed on the Teams call’s scream into the “” website.  

  4. Play the game!  

*A new Kahoot game will start every 5 minutes. However, you can also join in the middle of a game if you wish! 


Please leave any questions you have in the comments and I will respond to them within a few minutes! 


Thank you!

21 thoughts on “Night of the Notables – Helen Keller Learning Centre!

  1. Emma! I really like how simple and clean this is. I’m also very impressed in your resilience to rise above some of the challenges you faced with this project overall. Way to go!

  2. Thanks for leading the way. What did you have to do to fight for equality for everyone? In other words, how did you go about doing this?

    1. Hello Ms. Mulder!

      I was an advocate for the rights of women, people who are Deaf and blind, and other minorities. I also fought for workers rights. After graduation Radcliffe college, I gave lectures and wrote books, advocating for those groups of people. I worked for different organizations such as the American Foundation for the Blind, and I co-founded the ACLU. These are just a few of the ways I went about fighting for equality.

      -Helen Keller

  3. Great, easy to follow and beautifully organized presentation! Love the comments in character too. Great job, and amazing eminent pick!

  4. Hi Helen! Thank you for giving me some insight into the kind of incredible person you were and the role model you still are. You learned so much from your experiences and reached some deep thoughts that no one else could have had. What is the one idea you believe everyone should take away from your life and accomplishments to strive for?

    1. Thank for the question Lara!

      I believe that the main idea everyone should take away is that when you are given the opportunity to help out, whether that is advocating for a cause you believe in or just saying something kind, you definitely should!

      Have fun at Night of the Notables and thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. AMAZING learning centre Emma! Love the kahoot, and the structure of your info. Helen Keller, what would you consider your biggest accomplishment?

    1. Thank you Indah for the question!

      I think that my biggest accomplishment is inspiring so many people to never give up on their dreams. I hope that my story can inspire many others!

      – Helen Keller

  6. Thank for the question Lara!

    I believe that the main idea everyone should take away is that when you are given the opportunity to help out, whether that is advocating for a cause you believe in or just saying something kind, you definitely should!

    Have fun at Night of the Notables and thanks for visiting my blog!

    – Helen Keller

    1. Thank for the question and for playing the Kahoot!

      I would say that the most challenging part of my life was when I was a very young child. I did not yet know how to communicate, and this made social interactions so tricky! I am so lucky that I had such a great mentor, Anne Sullivan!

      Thank you for visiting my blog!

      – Helen Keller

  7. Emma: I loved your presentation – it was very well-organized and I learned so much!
    Helen: Thank you for telling us more about your inspirational story! What hobbies did you enjoy in your free time?

    1. Hello Brianna! Thank you for the question!

      Some of my hobbies are playing outdoors, spending time with animals, and learning new stuff! I spend lots of time writing and giving lectures too.

      Thank you for visiting my blog!

      – Helen Keller

  8. Helen, ever since the first time I heard your story, I have been awestruck by how you managed to stay resilient in the face of so many challenges. All of the difficulties you encountered and overcame truly put everything into perspective and make me so thankful for gifts like sight and hearing that I often take for granted. My question for you is this: what would you say to someone who also wants to advocate for the rights of Deaf and blind individuals and gender equality?

    By the way, I loved the design of your timeline and your kahoot is amazing too!

    1. Awe thank you Grace for your kindness and your questions!

      If someone wants to advocate for the rights of Deaf and blind individuals and gender equality, I would tell them to first learn more about the Deafblind culture. Then, I would tell them to reach out to individuals in the Deafblind community. I would also congratulate and thank them for their help in advocating for these important issues!

      – Helen Keller

  9. Helen, I am so inspired by the resilience and perseverance you must of had to overcome the countless challenges you faced! My question for you is how long did it take you to actually learn to read?

  10. Hello Natasha! Thank you for your kindness and your question!

    I met Anne Sullivan when I was six years old. It took my quite a while to learn to read Braille, but Anne was such an amazing mentor.

    Thank you for visiting my learning centre!

    – Helen Keller

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