In-Depth Post #4

Since the last blog post progress on the project has slowed a bit. I wasn’t able to meet with my mentor during this time due to our usual meeting time two weekends ago was Valentine’s Day and this past weekend she was feeling unwell and our meeting was cancelled. The cancellation of these meetings definitely […]

In-Depth Post #3

Since the last post I have kept the ball rolling and accomplished lots through the past couple weeks!  Since last post I have met (virtually) with my mentor once and I completed lots of work during said meeting. Once we got the call going, I checked through the pieces I had completed since last time (which was the 16 […]

In-Depth Post #1

Hello and welcome to my 2021 In-Depth project on quilting! According to Wikipedia “quilting is the term given to the process of joining a minimum of three layers of fabric together either through stitching manually by hand using a needle and thread, or mechanically with a sewing machine or specialised longarm quilting system”. While I […]

In-Depth Post #5

Since the last update, I have been able to be more productive. I still haven’t been able to get the correct supplies to finish my dress so to continue working on some sort of sewing I have switched directions to start working on hand sewing. While it is my intension to return back to sewing […]

In-Depth Post #4

Since the last post, my project has come to a halt. Since currently we are not allowed to meet up with anyone outside of our households, I haven’t been able to meet up with my mentor or my nana. My nana has the pattern and mock-up dress at her house I can’t continue working on […]

In-Depth Post #1

For my in-depth project this year I am going to be doing costume making. I’m want to improve my sewing skills so that by the end of the year I will be able to use patterns and reference photos to make clothes fit to different people. I’m going to work alongside my mentor Charlotte to […]