In-Depth Post No. 4 2020


The most difficult challenge as of right now, is that the quarantine has prevented me from meeting with my mentor in-person. And, because of the Corona virus, I won’t be able to meet with Aaron in real life anytime soon. While it is frustrating to be halted in my project, I’ve been writing everyday, which has definitely helped with both my poetry, and stress management.


I’ve recently overcome my writer’s block. I was having a hard time writing anything, not just slam poetry, but with a little guidance from my mentor, I’ve managed to start writing poems that I don’t dislike. Of course there’s always something missing to a poem that I just can’t place, but hopefully by the end of this project I will have learned to appreciate my own poetry, with limited negative connotations.


Obviously, communication between Aaron and I could be better, but we do have the resources set in place to hold meetings. Whether its Skype, or another video conferencing app, there is no reason not to continue meetings as usual. Because I don’t have Skype yet, I will need to set up an account, and there isn’t a better time to do that than now.



Some extracts from poetry I’ve been working on:


the cool breeze of reality licking at my feet

urging me to run

run as far away from this world as I can



you make life feel right,

like passing days are simply the wind-

whispering songs into my ear,

like I am a leaf,

floating aimlessly in the sky,

resting only as the moon accepts defeat,

her loss in this game of hide and seek,

gently, pushing the dawn aside




my name is Mel

short for melancholy

a malfunction of a human being

I think I’m from Pluto

I’ve walked this tight rope around my neck

yet still don’t know the meaning of life

but somehow

I mean a universe and the world

to the ones I call my friends


One Reply to “In-Depth Post No. 4 2020”

  1. Thanks, Mel for sharing your poetry. Takes a lot of confidence. It is intense and personal. The next step for you is tow or n saying it aloud and recording and sharing it. Hope get skype set up soon.

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